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Social-networking sites in foreign language classes: Opportunities for re-creation | Ka... - 4 views

  •   38   SOCiaL-NetwOrKiNg SiteS 2001). This difference in ‘lifestyle’ gives educators reason to believe we shouldincorporate SNS usage into our class-related activities, to capture these students’imaginations and t their thought patterns and socializing habits (Godwin-Jones,2008; Winke & Goertler, 2008).However, although technology is an integral part of neomillennial students’lives, they often do not know how to use technology in ways that would benet them in computer-assisted language learning (CALL) (Dieu & Stevens, 2007;Kolaitis, Mahoney, Pomann, & Hubbard, 2006; Winke & Goertler, 2008). Suc - cessful CALL activities, then, often require a substantial training period at theoutset (Jones & Bissoonauth-Bedford, 2008; Kolaitis et al., 2006), and studentsmay be less enthusiastic about a class’s language and culture projects if the formof computer-mediated communication ( CMC) employed is not the type they areaccustomed to using (McBride & Wildner-Bassett, 2008; Thorne, 2003). A usefulresponse may be to craft CALL activities more to the practices that our studentsare familiar with (Winke & Goertler, 2008). SNSs are an obvious possibility to consider, given their tremendous popularity.If we can get our F
  • we can get our FL students to interact socially on SNSs, then they may beengaged in more authentic social and communicative behavior than typically hap-pens in classrooms, because “instead of merely simulating other modes of interac-tion, technology mediated communication is, in and of itself, the real thing
  •   40   SOCiaL-NetwOrKiNg SiteS and sites like it, knowing, socially and technically, how to re-use media in thisparticular way has become foundational for communication and creative expres- sion over the Web” (Perkel, 2008, p. 218). We can call this activity of writing/remixing the self through the manipulationof text and media ‘ self-authorship.’ Within the framework of CALL, this term refers to students authoring their own materials which can then serve as the basisfor learning and lessons. Using student-created materials as the center of a lesson ts with a student-centered pedagogy (Dieu, Campbell, & Ammann, 2006). Self-authorship activities can increase interest and time on task, and they put students in a more active role in their own learning process (Kramsch, A’Ness, & Lam,2000; Nikolova, 2002).Students must take an active role in their learning. They cannot simply be handed knowledge from an expert because understanding is the result of a cre- ative process one must work through over time with other people (Bereiter, 2002). Learning
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Such use could instantiate the primary condition that research has shown to encourage L2 acquisition: timespent on meaningfully embedded interaction and negotiation with others
  • Students must take an active role in their learning. They cannot simply be handed knowledge from an expert because understanding is the result of a cre- ative process one must work through over time with other people (Bereiter, 2002). Learning and language develop through interaction with others, by means of in- ternalizing problem-solving patterns that are rst experienced in dialogue withothers (Vygotsky, 1978). SNSs therefore are a promising tool for FL education intheir capacity to be used by learners as L2 practice in a way similar to how they are used by the majority of young people in our society.
    • Marcie Pratt
      I did not mean to highlight so much. Can't find the "undo" highlight. I believe the paragraph starting with "If we can get our FL students..." is important because as FL teachers we are always working towards getting out students to speak in the target langauge and with as much authenticity as possible. By working with an SNS then they might be more apt to use their L2 skills in a more authentic way outside of the classroom as mentioned in the paragraph.
    • MariaEmicle Lopez
      Great comment! SNS are a way to help students connect class with the real world and someone besides peers and instructors. Interaction through SNS is practice in the target language with speakers of that language, helpful for when they study abroad, for when they graduate and find a job where they interact with Spanish speakers in the case of my students population. These kinds of interactions build on confidence and improvement of speaking skills.

Language Learners' "Willingness to Communicate" through - 0 views

    Abstract: This case study is based on an investigation into the use that a group of language learners made of, a Social Networking Site through which language exchange is enabled via social media applications. The learners created profiles in the website and proceeded to interact with speakers of their target languages, reporting back on their experiences over a 10-week period. As communication between language partners can take place through several different channels, and can be asynchronous or synchronous, written or spoken, it was considered that the preferences of learners with different personality types (as indicated by responses to a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator questionnaire) might be accommodated. Several studies have suggested that the anxiety that some language learners feel when communicating in L2, especially when speaking, is reduced in online environments. Under the premise that a reduction in anxiety may lead to an increased "willingness to communicate" (MacIntyre et al., 1998), the principal objective of this project was to examine the type and frequency of online interactions that the participants engaged in with other speakers of their target languages in the Livemocha language learning community.

Speaking and writing | - 1 views

    100 quick seed ideas to create FL activities in any language. Some use social media, some we have all probably tried.
    100 quick seed ideas to create FL activities in any language. Some use social media, some we have all probably tried.

IA Strategy: Addressing the Signatures of Information Overload :: UXmatters - 1 views

  • Koltay—and likely most of you who are reading this column—have observed how Web 2.0 and the use of folksonomies have created conditions that result in information overload. When we provide applications that let users manage information, and those users have limited to no awareness of knowledge organization for the Web, the information architectures that evolve for users and the entire system may be less than optimal. Since most users are not equipped to produce sound classification schemes or efficient top-down taxonomies on their own, their impact on any system creates what I call a literacy gap, depicted in Figure 6. Depending on the other signatures of information overload that play out in users’ interaction with a system, the consequences of their literacy gap can lead to information overload. Koltay’s article makes this claim, and I agree.
    • Charles Zook
      I am experimenting with "sticky notes" as I ponder info overload and juggle all the new web2.0 I can handle! :-)
    • Charles Zook
      The above excerpt reminds me of a collaborative review project that we did in my class at the end of the last school year. We broke down each unit and lesson that we had covered into chunks and each student was supposed to make virtual flashcards (on with their chunk of the material. Some students did great while others were absolutely lost while using the computers. It had a deleterious effect on the overall project. As I try to imagine implementing more web resources with the goal of productive communication and interaction in L2, I am troubled by the disparity of web/computer literacy among students. I don't mean to sound negative, but it is something I really struggle with. What about the students who lack the necessary skills?
    • Marlene Johnshoy
      Even when working with teachers, we find this in workshops.  We tend to pair/group teachers, so they can help each other out - have you tried that with students?
    • Charles Zook
      Yes, I did assign pairs. Some students are smartphone literate and seem to have little to no interest in anything desktop. Hmmm...perhaps I should try focusing on the ipads.
  • Yes, while Twitter is most engaging when tweets are firing away, it is also a poster child for propagating information overload.
    • Charles Zook
      Another good point! I love all the new technologies at our fingertips, but at some point it becomes a bit overwhelming.

Synchronous web-based collaborative writing: Factors mediating interaction among second... - 3 views

  • hey collaboratively wrote a summary using Google Docs and text-chat (Task 1) and Google Docs and voice-chat (Task 2)
  • ack were the primary mediating factors on the qualities of collaboration. The findings may help explain why collaborative performance varies and may provide insights into how web-based collaborative writing activities can be designed and facilitated in L2 classes.
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